Title: The Creation of Pandora
Title: The Creation of Pandora
Title: The Creation of Pandora

Dimensions: 18” x 24” each panel

Panels: 6

Year: 2016- 2023

Medium: Carbon nanotube, water colour and ink


In this work which is part of a series of 6 paintings about life.

Pandora the first woman, was created by Zeus to distract the stolen blessing of fire, which had been taken by Prometheus from Olympus what was once a power of the gods and now of men.

In the painting man hides his nature from women, and women reveals hers as the fire rages between them. He stares at her in the fire light ignoring the magical newly discovered force of the fire only seeing her. She newly created looks off to the vast horizon in wonder of the world before her not seeing him.

The work is an exploration of how we all are transfixed by the next shiny thing in our lives, and they are rarely the same in our relationships.